Acura Mood Roads at Sundance: Biometric Adventure in the Acura NSX




Spinifex Group



  • Creative design
  • Software development
  • Hardware integration


  • Unity
  • Emotive EEG reader integration
  • Motion Sphere integration

Join us on a journey that redefines the driving experience with Acura Mood Roads at the Sundance Film Festival. Acura’s aim was to create an unforgettable immersive showcase, highlighting the sheer power of the Acura NSX.

Acura Mood Roads, akin to a full-sensory “rollercoaster” test drive, was engineered to respond to biometric data. Various sensors, including EEG, heart rate, and galvanic skin response, dynamically adjusted the intensity of the experience, personalizing each drive for every individual.

To add another layer of excitement, a specialized motion simulator platform provided drivers with immersive feedback, making it an unforgettable adventure. Real-time visuals synchronized with the pulse of music (and the driver’s pulse) created a captivating 180-degree view that left festival-goers with a unique and engaging experience to talk about.

Join us as we explore this groundbreaking intersection of technology and sensation, where Acura Mood Roads at Sundance becomes a benchmark for immersive driving adventures.

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